
Our paying members have access to all these great discounts. In order to claim your discount you need to prove you are a paying member. For some online shops you can use the discount codes listed below. For paying in store, you should show your face on our membership page:

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Discount Codes

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10% discount on non sale items. Use discount code listed at the top of this page. Bigger discounts are available for large items. Talk do Richard in the Sola shop.
15% off kite equipment. 40% off North kites and bars during May 2022. See discount code at the top of this page.
10% discount on kite-related equipment and neoprene (no discount on clothes). 30% on the newest F-one Bandit XV + control bar, as well as F-one trax board with bindings, valid 21 - 23 May 2022. Email Fluid.
15% discount, at the Madla store, on any equipment or clothing except for skis and boots. Please show your picture on our member list page in the store to prove that you are currently a member.
Discount of around 10% (exact amount varies depending on product). Be sure to show proof of membership in the store. Either your membership card, or your photo on our members page.
15% discount on regular prices for beginner courses, coaching, hydrofoil clinic and freestyle clinic. Use the discount code listed at the top of this page on their website:
15% discount on all offered treatments (naprapathy, physiotherapy and massage)
25% off preorders of Airush. 20% off stock Airush. 15% off GA kites. 15% off Moses kitefoils. 20% off wetsuits and accessories from SOORUZ. 10% off all other products in the shop.
Halne Fjellstugu - Dubble room: 880 nok/pers. 4 bed room: 730 nok/pers. Single room: 980 nok/pers. Prices include breakfast and dinner. Kiters-soup can be included for lunch. (normal prices are 1290 nok/per).
15% off slingshot, sandbox and ride engine products.
15% off kite equipment.
15% discount.
Support Stavanger Kiteklub via Norsk Tipping.
10% discount on everything except already discounted items.
50% discount on consultations with Daniel Pollard, Alf Jakob Aano and Joanne Wærnes at the clinic in Sola. Also we get a discount on gym membership at Sola.